With the weather over 40C (Melbourne got over 46C yesterday) and strong winds nine fires are still out of control.
(These are the current fire locations in Victoria - from the Sentinel website).
The death toll is currently 25.
News reporters are saying that they're also seeing lightening in the affected areas - this is never good.
Sad to hear Julie- Fires are unpredictable, and with your smaller population, much harder to fight and control as you have smaller forces available.
Julie - when I saw the news article this morning my first thought was that you were OK. The power and fury of the fire is something one can't begin to imagine.
I pray that those you care for are safe and that your countrymen will get a handle on the fire soon.
very true Jim - they're starting to send firemen and SES volunteers across from here now.
thanks for your thoughts, Brigid, thankfully I am on the other side of the country. So far, all my friends and family in Vic & NSW are okay - but many are reporting that their extended families / friends have lost houses.
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