Saturday, December 13, 2008

Guns Shouldn't Be Recreational ?????

Here's an article on this premise with a commentary by someone who disagrees ....

here's probably my favourite extract ... but do read the whole thing ...

(original article) Many people exercise this right and believe that because of it, they are able to do whatever they want, even if it means storing deadly weapons in a house of curious, naïve children.

(commentary) My kids are rather intelligent, and I’ve taught them to use guns safely. If your kids are naïve, you might want to take a real hard look at who’s teaching them about life.

h/t Sharp as Marble


Old NFO said...

Interesting, as that is one of the US universities where concealed carry on campus is allowed. I also disagree about the kids comment. I grew up in a house with guns out in the open and I was trained not to touch/play with them. Hell, I used to have to move the shotgun to get to the broom behind the door! Both my daughters were trained the same way, and I'm taking my 9 year old grandson to the range next week.

Julie said...

have fun with your grandson on the range ... I really think it is dependent on how kids are treated and taught. My girls know that everything (not just guns) have a purpose and you use things for that purpose (so we never got sandwiches in the VCR and nothing ever got "flushed").

Old NFO said...

Will do! Be GLAD nothing ever got stuffed in the VCR...(just threw it away and got another one)!