Monday, June 29, 2009

The Four Rules Applied ...

The neighbour has some balloons stuck in a tree at the front of his property. A local school released some balloons with seeds in them a couple of days previously and I was chatting to my two girls (5 & 7) about whether or not they thought these balloons contained seeds.

The discussion then moved onto how to get the balloons out of the tree - they're about 5 metres up.

Various things were suggested and discussed and then I said, "I was thinking about using the .22". My eldest looked at me and said "Where would the bullet land then?"

Good question.


Old NFO said...

Good question, and the answer was? Use a bb gun, at least then you have maybe 100 yards vs. a mile... Obviously you have trained them well! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good thinking. However, with a 40 gr 22 bullet, coming down under the influence of gravity. It's not getting pushed by powder anymore, and I doubt that it would have the ability to penetrate skin.

A 5 gr BB pellet would do even less damage, though.

Of course, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye as my granny used to say...