I've done the "What's your politics" type interactive questionnaires before - but they're always been American based. Today I have found an Australian one and here's my results:
Check it out at: http://www.news.com.au/features/federal-election/federal-election-2010-whats-your-politics/story-e6frfllr-1225888957047 and let me know in comments how it fits.
As usual I found that there were many questions with no answers that I felt appropriate. But, by taking the least worst of them I ended up in the bottom right with 94% Thomas Jefferson, which seems reasonable.
As usual I found that there were many questions with no answers that I felt appropriate. But, by taking the least worst of them I ended up in the bottom right with 94% Thomas Jefferson, which seems reasonable.
I was almost off the chart libertarain, and just a touch conservative. Roughly similar to US surveys, although a bit more libertarian on this one.
Down in the lower right between Jefferson and Palin, 89% Jefferson
hmmmm, I ended up 91% Mother Teresa. Pretty much in the middle between conservative and lliberal, but more libertarian and authoritarian.
Lol. Mother Theresa at 100%. Don't quite know what to make of that.
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