Friday, August 13, 2010

Still waiting ....

Well they've upped hubby's anti-inflammatories and it seems to have made a difference. He's feeling better, hip seems more flexible and the pain isn't as bad. So now they're waiting to see how things go over the next couple of hours to make the decision on whether or not to do an MRI.

I'll let you all know more, when I do.


Berys said...

Hope all goes well with the extra Meds and if they do have to do a MRI that it is nothing to serious sending **hugs** and Prayers to you all

DaddyBear said...

Sounds like things are looking up. Hopefully the pain isn't that serious. Thoughts and prayers continue...

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Here's hoping for the best!

Hang in there!

Old NFO said...

Hoping for the best for y'all, prayers will continue