Thursday, May 24, 2012


Just wanted to say a quick welcome to all those popping in from Stephen's place "Standing outside looking in".

I've not written much this week - tied up with work and sick kids - but I generally try to post a couple of times a week.  So pull up a chair and have a look through the archives!

And for my readers who haven't visited Stephen's place - I recommend you do.  He's a great guy with lots to say!


Old NFO said...

Sorry to hear the kids are feeling poorly...

Stephen said...

Thanks, Julie.

agirlandhergun said...

Sick kids are no fun. Hope that passes soon.

Julie said...

Thanks guys - I sent them back to school today. I was going to keep Miss 8 at home, but she really wanted to go and burst into tears when I suggested otherwise. So she went on the understanding that if she felt bad she was to get the school to ring me to pick her up.

However, she survived the day.

Hopefully she'll be okay to go tomorrow too.