Sunday, November 7, 2010

Miss 9 cooked again last night

Miss 9 had arranged with her chef friend to help her cook again yesterday. We invited some friends around so she had 5 adults and 4 children to cook for.

She didn't get a chance to write a menu but the meal consisted of:

Chicken and Pesto in Filo Pastry served with a Garden Salad and Tomato Concasse.
- yes she made the pesto from scratch
Rum Balls

She made an adult and a kid's version of both the Trifle and Rum balls.

Here are the pictures:

Chicken Pesto in Filo Pastry


Rum Balls

Oh and here's a photo of the chef and apprentice at work ...

It was a lovely evening. The children played nicely, the adults nattered for hours and the food was delicious - as was the wine!

Looking forward to the next time.


cybrus said...

You know - it's not nice making me feel hungry so late at night.

Congrats to Miss 9 - that dinner looks amazing.

Old NFO said...

Outstanding :-) And it looks almost as good as it probably was! :-)

Julie said...

It was really, really, really delicious! My favourite was the pesto - have to get the recipe off her!

DaddyBear said...


And when you get that recipe, share it!