Thursday, March 29, 2012


As some of you know, Miss 10 moved from Cubs to Scouts this year.  In doing so she became eligible to attend the Australian Jamboree that is going to be held in January next year.

She expressed an interest in going and even though we were a bit nervous about her being on the other side of the country with 13,000 other scouts we agreed to it.  However, I was still nervous about it and have spoken to a few people who have been in similar positions over the years.  Most have tried to reassure me that it will be fine but one mother said "well if you're concerned why don't you go as an adult helper?".  Um, I can do that???

Now registrations close tomorrow and I had this discussion on Tuesday!  In the last couple of days I've spoken with Miss 10's Scout Leader, the Group Leader and the Cub Leader and all of the discussion have lead to the result that I'm now signing up not only to go to Jamboree but also to become a Scout Leader.

Apparently, if you go to Jamboree as a 'parent helper' or even a 'Cub Leader' you're more than likely to be assigned to a non-direct kid thing (souvenir shop, first aid post etc).  If I actually want to be involved with the kids (and hopefully Miss 10), I need to be a Scout Leader.

Unfortunately the state Scout website is down so I've not been able to download the forms yet, but it seems that for leaders it doesn't matter if you register late - so I've got a bit of breathing space.

Now I just need to fill in the forms, do the training and find $5k for the Jamboree .....


Old NFO said...

You will enjoy it, and it WILL teach you things about dealing with people :-)

Suldog said...

I was a Cub Scout, and My Dad helped on a few of our trips. I loved it, and so will you!

DaddyBear said...

If you can keep a bunch of kids productive and get them to learn something, you can handle anything!

Jay G said...

Best of luck - while it can be trying at times, the payoff is *SO* worth it...

-Cubmaster Jay