Saturday, November 24, 2012

TTKS #860

Miss 9: "Mum, how do I train myself to sleep with noise?"

Me: "Ummm"

Miss 9: "Don't worry, I'll ask the professional."

Turns to her sister ..

Miss 9:  "Sis, how do I train myself to sleep with noise?"


I feel redundant ...


Old NFO said...

LOL, yep they "are" getting to that age... :-)

Firehand said...

First time took the kids camping out in real woods, and we laid down to sleep: every bug, frog owl, coyote and whatever were doing their nighttime serenades, and just as I was about to drop off daughter(age 6) announced "I wish they'd shut up for a while so I could get to sleep!"

Of course, the second night it WAS a serenade to them, and put them right out.

Julie said...

hehehe Firehand!

Julie said...

Jim - Do you want them for a couple of years? I'ld do a fair trade ...

Bakersfield Photography said...

LOL! So funny. Yeah, it's really sounds disturbing especially if the noise is so so annoying.

Anti Money Laundering said...

Had a great laugh. Me too, I can't sleep with so much noise.