This question comes from Ricochet (slightly reworded), an Aussie blogger who has
starting to think about guns.
She says:
Now rather than discuss the history of cricket bats, or
debate whether guns are actually designed solely for the purpose of killing, I’m
going to look at the mindset behind this.
Ricochet is concerned about buying something that is
designed to kill. This just shows how
far we have come from our roots - meat is sourced plastic wrapped from the supermarket. Nothing in our ‘modern day’ environment
dictates that we need to be able to kill to survive. But that's not where things started from.
We were designed to kill – doesn’t matter how
you wrap it, that’s what we’re all about.
So let me reword a sentence of hers:
“Just because you aren't doing what you’re designed to do …
doesn't take away from the fact that's what you’re designed to do.”
Yep folks, we were
designed to kill to survive – food and predators. And if we weren’t living in a “relatively
safe” first world country we might actually experience more of this than we
currently do.
So guns are designed to kill, and so are we, now what?
Does this mean that we all go and out and kill? No, of
course not.
To me it means that maybe we’ve been asking the wrong
question. Maybe rather than asking “can
I own anything that is designed to kill” we need to ask ourselves “why should I
own a gun?” A bit like asking “why
should I own a drill?”
So why should you own a gun, or a drill or anything else?
There are only two valid reasons for owning anything – need
or want (tempered by the ‘can you afford it’ question).
Assuming the “can you afford it” question is answered in the
positive – if you can answer “yes” to
either the “do you need it?” or “do you want it?” question then no further
questions need to be asked.
Why do I own guns? Because I want to, and can afford to.
There are a lot of sub-clauses to why I want to own a gun, including:-
- I enjoy target shooting;
- I find shooting IPSC matches challenging;
- I enjoy hunting and sourcing my own meat;
- I enjoy sharing the hobby of shooting with my family.
Why do you own guns?