Monday, November 2, 2015

It's only been a short time ...

since I last wrote a blog post and things have changed.

My last post started off with the search for a high school for Miss now-12.  We are over the moon to report that she has been accepted into the Specialist Agricultural Program that she had applied for.

Then I mentioned that Miss now-14 had nearly fully recovered from her bout of Glandual Fever - well unfortunately she's had another three attacks since then.  She is however working hard to keep up with her school work, cello and part-time job.

AND I mention that I was going well at work - um, well, I was made redundant at the beginning of October.  As I said, short period of time lots of changes.

I have decided to build up my own business focusing on computer training and work.  So far so good, but I do need a few more clients.

For those without Facebook here are some recent (Halloween) pictures of the girls:

AND here are some other random pictures of them:
Miss 14 on her Birthday

Miss 12 doing what she loves best


Phssthpok said...

HUZZAH! An update!

Old NFO said...

That's semi-good news, good luck with your own company, and hope Miss 14 gets better!

Julie said...

Hi Phssthpok :)

Thanks Jim.